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Package tours and travel guarantees for tour operators

As a tour operator, you are obliged to register your business with the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency and arrange for a travel guarantee. You are also covered by the Package Travel Act.

Package tours

The Package Travel Act imposes requirements on those who sell or offer package tours or so-called linked travel arrangements. This includes, for example, information which must be provided to customers before booking and your obligations if you are required to cancel parts of the trip.

You can find more information and standardised forms to inform your customers at the Swedish Consumer Agency.

The Package Travel Act and forms (Swedish Consumer Agency) (in Swedish)
Package Travel Act (2018:1217) (in Swedish)

Travel guarantees

A travel guarantee means that tour operators set aside money to ensure that travellers are compensated if any part of their package tour or linked travel arrangements cannot be fulfilled due to your insolvency as a tour operator.

The travel guarantee must cover all advances paid by travellers, such as registration fees and final payments. It must also cover other services included in the contract with the traveller and, in some cases, repatriation costs. The purpose of the travel guarantee is to ensure that your travellers do not lose any money if their trip is cancelled or interrupted.

As a travel operator, you are obliged to register your activities with the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet).

Kammarkollegiet provides information on the Travel Guarantee Act, registration and how to arrange travel guarantees.

The Travel Guarantee Act, registration and how to arrange travel guarantees at Kammarkollegiet's website
Travel Guarantee Act (2018:1218) (in Swedish)

Films on package tours and travel guarantees

In collaboration with the Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Visit Sweden has produced three film presentations on the Package Tour Act and the Travel Guarantee Act:

Paketreselagen, del 1

Paketreselagen, del 1 explains what the Package Travel Act means for organisers of package tours, including how package tours are defined, what exceptions exist and what requirements are imposed on you.

Watch Paketreselagen, del 1 on Visit Sweden's website (in Swedish)

Paketreselagen, del 2

Paketreselagen, del 2 is about how changes to the package tour agreement can be made, cancellation, complaints defective package tours and the organiser's liability in the event of defects.

Watch Paketreselagen, del 2 on Visit Sweden's website (in Swedish)


Resegarantilagen explains the rules of the Act and how it works in practice.

Watch the film Resegarantilagen on Visit Sweden's website (in Swedish)