When a company goes bankrupt Learn what applies if your company, or a company you collaborate with, goes bankrupt. chevron_right Setting upMoving to Sweden to start a businessChoose business typeRegister a foreign company in SwedenCarry out temporary assignments as self-employed chevron_right Financial securityIf you get sickIf you are going to become a parentYour pension as self-employedImprove your company's cash flow chevron_right SNI 2025 – new industry codesUpdate SNI to new versionFilm: Why you should update your SNI codeQuestions and answers about the SNI update chevron_right Watch our webinarsWebinar – Setting up Webinar – Hiring Webinar – Foreign tradeWebinar – Company name and trademark chevron_right Import and exportRules for world tradeTrading in goodsTrading in servicesSelecting a market chevron_right Stop running a businessSole traderLimited companyTrading or limited partnershipWhen a company goes bankrupt